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University of Oxford

Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly

HELEN WATANABE-O’KELLY is Professor of German Literature at the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. She works on early modern court culture, German literature and gender questions. Among her books are Melancholie und die melancholische Landschaft (1978), Triumphal Shews. Tournaments at German-Speaking Courts in their European Context 1560-1730 (1992) and Court Culture in Dresden from Renaissance to Baroque (2002). She has edited The Cambridge History of German Literature (1997), Spectaculum Europaeum.

Adam Morton

ADAM MORTON was a post-doctoral researcher on the Marrying Cultures project based in Oxford and in September 2014 he was appointed Lecturer in British History at Newcastle University. He is continuing to pursue research related to the project. A historian of the long Reformation, he previously taught History at the Universities of Warwick and York, where he completed his Ph.D in 2011.

Ewa Kociszewska

EWA KOCISZEWSKA is a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford and a Junior Research Fellow at St Catherine’s College. She received a PhD in History of Art from the University of Warsaw (2014). Before moving to Oxford she was a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow at the Warburg Institute in London (2012–2014).

Lund University

Svante Norrhem

SVANTE NORRHEM is Lecturer in History at Lund University. He previously worked at Umeå University and Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, and has held a visiting fellowship at the University of Plymouth. His main research interests are early modern political culture, gender and the history of sexuality. Among his publications are: Uppkomlingarna. Kanslitjänstemännen i 1600-talets Sverige och Europa (Umeå 1994). Kvinnor vid maktens sida 1632-1772 (Lund 2007), Ebba Brahe.

Elise Dermineur

ELISE DERMINEUR was a Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Lund and is now the Pro Futura Scientia IX Research Fellow at Uppsala University. She completed her Ph.D thesis - Women in Rural Society: Peasants, Patriarchy and the Local Economy in Northeast France, 1650-1789 - at Purdue University in 2011, and was a Max Weber research fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy in 2011/12.

Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel

Gillian Bepler

JILL BEPLER is Head of the Department ‘Scholarships, Conferences and Students’ Programmes’ at the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, and co-editor of Wolfenbüttel Barock-Nachrichten. Her main areas of research are court funerals and the media in early modern Germany, travelling and collecting, library and book history, gender and court studies.

Maria Skiba

MARIA SKIBA is a singer and scholar, she studied cultural anthropology at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and at the same time she was busy singing and exploring the realm of music, vocal studies at Royal Conservatory in The Hague followed, where she studied early music singing. She is especially interested in the subject of women in music and with her ensemble Bella Discordia she explores the works of Barbara Strozzi, Francesca Caccini and other women composers/singers of the early 17th century Italy.

German Historical Institute, Warsaw

Almut Bues

ALMUT BUES, Ph.D, is a Fellow of the German Historical Institute in Warsaw. She was previously a Fellow of the German Historical Institutes in Rome and London, and Lecturer at the University of Warsaw. Her research focuses on religion and politics in early modern central Europe, in particular on Poland-Lithuania, on processes of state and nation-building and on cultural history. Her major publications include Das Herzogtum Kurland und der Norden der polnisch-litauischen Adelsrepublik im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert.

University of Warsaw

Urszula Zachara-Związek

URSZULA ZACHARA-ZWIĄZEK is a PhD student based in the History Faculty, University of Warsaw, where she previously completed an MA (2013). The title of her PhD dissertation is The Habsburg Wives of Sigismund Augustus. Marriage Cultures – Clashing Cultures. As a member of the team working on Old Polish Cultural History (Warsaw), she participated in the project Wills as historical sources, and has also contributed to the online edition of sixteenth century tax registers entitled Historical Atlas of Poland in the 16th century.

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